Book: Wonderful Worship in Smaller Churches

David R. Ray. Pilgrim Press, 2000. 192 pp. $20.00. ISBN 0829814000.

Far from being homogenous, each small congregation (of fewer than 100 worshipers) has its own personality. Drawing on his more than 30 years’ experience in pastoring four small congregations, David Ray shares his insights on how to work with the personality of each congregation to create wonderful worship. The first half of the book focuses on twelve principles for worship leaders. The second half builds on those principles to offer practical ideas for creating worship. Each discussion of a principle or practice includes insightful questions and suggestions. The book concludes with resources for evaluating and planning worship, such as surveys for both leaders and congregants to help assess the strengths and direction of worship in their congregation. A valuable resource for anyone planning worship in a smaller congregation.

Lisa Stracks ( helps plan and lead worship at Campus Chapel in Ann Arbor, MI. She is also a member of the Reformed Worship editorial council.


Reformed Worship 72 © June 2004, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.