Guided Prayer for the World

This guided intercessory prayer could be used for a variety of liturgical occasions, but may be most appropriate for Pentecost, World Communion Sunday, or another service that focuses on church unity.

For this guided prayer, the congregation should face each direction (east, west, north south) as the leader(s) prays for specific regions of our world. The congregation will respond after each prayer with the words in bold print. This prayer initiates a global perspective of the Holy Spirit’s work in our world and serves as a reminder that God is the God of all peoples and has the power to work in the lives of people all over the world.

The person preparing each section should consider current events and specific needs of particular regions and countries.

God of the East, we pray

. . . for those suffering due to hardship and warfare.

. . . for a path of reconciliation.

. . . for forgiveness and the ability to forgive.

. . . to understand the futility of violence.

. . . to respond with maturity.

. . . for peace in the land.

Lover of all humankind,

bring us to peace

from the four corners of the earth and lead us uprightly in our land.

God of the West, we pray

. . . to become like children, instead of being obsessed with adulthood.

. . . for tenderness, instead of feeling like we must be tough.

. . . for government leaders who would risk to help the powerless, instead of selfishly putting themselves first.

. . . that we might hear Christ saying,

"Put up your sword,” when our nations budget for war.

. . . that where fear and indifference are growing, you will send your Spirit of renewal.

Lover of all humankind,

Bring us to peace from the four corners of the earth and lead us uprightly in our land.

God of the North, we pray

. . . for unity.

. . . to place human kindness above national pride.

. . . to hear the Spirit’s call to oppose discrimination.

. . . for those tormented by anxiety or despair.

Lover of all humankind,

Bring us to peace from the four corners of the earth and lead us uprightly in our land.

God of the South, we pray

. . . for those who are no longer able to sleep in peace.

. . . for wisdom to make difficult decisions.

. . . that you will bring order out of chaos.

. . . for the will to resolve disputes through means other than war.

. . . for the courage to risk defending the poor and angering the rich.

. . . for the love to be hospitable to the stranger in our land.

Lover of all humankind,

Bring us to peace from the four corners of the earth and lead us uprightly in our land.

You, O Lord, bring salvation to all the nations.

Make us your instruments of peace. Bring hope to our homes, our communities,

our nation, and our world. Amen.

Emily Snider is an M.M. and M.Div. candidate at Baylor University and George W. Truett Theological Seminary. She also serves as minister of music at Calvary Baptist Church in Waco, Texas.

Reformed Worship 104 © June 2012, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.