And the Table Will Be Wide

And the table

will be wide.

And the welcome

will be wide.

And the arms

will open wide

to gather us in.

And our hearts

will open wide

to receive.

And we will come

as children who trust

there is enough.

And we will come

unhindered and free.

And our aching

will be met

with bread.

And our sorrow

will be met

with wine.

And we will open our hands

to the feast

without shame.

And we will turn

toward each other

without fear.

And we will give up

our appetite

for despair.

And we will taste

and know

of delight.

And we will become bread

for a hungering world.

And we will become drink

for those who thirst.

And the blessed

will become the blessing.

And everywhere

will be the feast.

© Jan Richardson,

Jan Richardson is an artist, author, United Methodist minister, and director of The Wellspring Studio, LLC. She is the author of The Painted Prayerbook.

Reformed Worship 139 © March 2021 Worship Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church. Used by permission.