An Epiphany Liturgy

Below we have printed the outline of an Epiphany service including the prayers, songs, and litanies that were repeated in the bulletin each week during the Epiphany season. The liturgy, prepared by Leonard Vander Zee, pastor of Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has been used by that congregation for the past two years. The song was composed by a member of the Church of the Servant (CRC), Grand Rapids, Michigan, for use in their Epiphany liturgy. After two years of use at Eastern Avenue, most of the congregation, including the children, now know the song by heart.

We Gather for Worship

Organ Prelude
Welcome and Announcements
*Opening Sentences:

Pastor: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.

People: The light has shined on the nations who live in the shadow of death.

Pastor: The true light that enlightens every person is coming into the world. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth, and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.

People: The Lord is our light and our salvation. We shall not be afraid.

All Sing:Song Title Here

Pastor: The peace of Christ be with you all.

People: Amen.

*Mutual Greetings

We Bow in Penitence

Call to Confession (from Psalm 139)
Prayer of Confession (in unison):
Almighty and merciful God,
We confess that we have sinned against you
and one another in both our actions
and our inactions.
We recognize that in Jesus our light
has come,
Yet often we choose to walk in the shadows
and ignore the light.
Gracious God, forgive our sins
And remove from us the veil of darkness
which shrouds our lives.
Illumine us by your Word
So we may shine with the radiance
of Christ's glory. Amen.

Declaration of Pardon

*Hymn: "Thy Mercy and Thy Truth, O Lord"
(from Psalm 36, sung to WINCHESTER OLD)

Thy mercy and thy truth, O Lord,
transcend the lofty sky;
thy judgments are a mighty deep,
and as the mountains high.

The fountain of eternal life
is found alone with thee,
and in the brightness of thy light
we clearly light shall see.

We Hear the Word of God

Children's Message
Prayer for Illumination:

Pastor: Let us pray for the presence of the Spirit.

People: Our Lord and our God,
Now as we hear your Word,
Fill us with your spirit.
Soften our hearts that we may
Discern your ways.
Fill us with your light.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,

Old Testament Reading

New Testament Reading

We Respond with Prayer and Dedication

*Hymn of Response

Congregational Prayer

Offering of Gifts:
Offering of Music:

*Doxology: What Star Is This? (st. 4, to the tune PUER NOBIS)

To God the Father, God the Son,
and Holy Spirit, Three in one,
may every tongue and nation raise
an endless song of thankful praise.

*Organ Amen
*Congregation Stands

Reformed Worship 5 © September 1987, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.