
Who will you s?erve
November 6, 2023

Who Will You Serve?—Liturgies on Texts from Joshua 23 and Judges 4

The following two sets of liturgical resources for Joshua 23:1-3, 14-25 and Judges 4:1-17 can be led by 1 or more voices, with congregational responses in bold. The selections are based on the assigned texts for the 24th and 25th Sundays after Pentecost for Year A of the RCL. These are difficult texts to preach, for help consider these commentaries on the Joshua and Judges passages from the Center for Excellence in Preaching or do a search on the texts at

Liturgy Based on Joshua 23:1–3, 14–25

Call to Worship

1: People of God, the Lord has delivered you from your enemies!

[Water is poured into the baptismal font.]

2: People of God, the Lord your God has fought for you!

[The bread and cup are placed on the communion table.]

Leader 3: Come and see all that God has done; worship the Lord for God’s faithfulness!

[The Christ candle is lit or the Bible placed on the pulpit.]

Confession and Assurance

1: We know within our hearts, in our souls,

that not one of God’s good promises has failed.

Every promise has been fulfilled;

not one has failed.

2: Even when we break the promises that we have made…

3: When we have not loved God with our whole hearts.

We have served other gods.

We bow down to power, to money, to time.

3: When we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

We have failed to love others.

We have not cared for the poor.
We have not been peacemakers.

We have not pardoned those who have sinned against us.


2: Even when we break the promises that we have made…

1: We know within our hearts, in our souls,

that not one of God’s good promises has failed.

Every promise has been fulfilled;

not one has failed.

Thanks be to God!

3: The faithful God has promised

that as far as the east is from the west,

so far has God removed our transgressions from us.

Thanks be to God!

Song Suggestions

"Goodness of God" Cash et al.

"God Always Keeps His Promises" Kauflin and Althoff

"Great is Thy Faithfulness" Chisholm, LUYH 348, GtG 39, SSS 48

"The Greatest Commandment" Zach

"Promises" Bowe et al.

Liturgy Based on Judges 4:1-7

Prayers of the People

1: Today we join the long tradition of God’s people crying out when we are in need.

Let us join in crying out together:

Holy God, you are the one who hears our cries.

You heard the cries of Hagar in the desert.

You heard the cries of your people in slavery in the land of Egypt.

And you heard the cries of your people oppressed by King Jabin.

Hear us, as we cry out to you again.

2: We cry out for help for those oppressed by war.

For those impacted by the wars being waged

in the Holy Land, in Ukraine, in South Sudan, in Yemen

and other places across the world.

For all those threatened and terrified and broken because of war.

Hear us, as we cry out to you again.

3: We cry out for help for those oppressed

because of who they are.

For those impacted by racism, sexism, ableism, and ageism.

For all who wonder if they are really created in your image.

For all who long to be seen as your beloved child.

Hear us, as we cry out to you again.

2: We cry out for help for those who you have called to lead us.

For those who carry the weight of responsibility in caring for and guiding your saints.

For pastors, missionaries, seminary professors, elders, deacons,

Sunday school teachers, and nursery attendants.

Hear us, as we cry out to you again.

1: Holy God,

as you heard the cries of the Israelites and raised up Deborah,

as you heard our cries and came to us in Jesus,

we trust that you will hear our cries again and send your Holy Spirit upon us

so that you may equip us to be the help for which we have prayed.

We pray all of this in the name of Jesus,

who is seated at your right hand.


Song Suggestions

"Come, Lord Jesus, Come" Williams and Flowers

"Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy" Hart, GtG 415

"Psalm 121 (I Lift My Eyes)" Getty et al.

"God Is For Us" Reeves et al.

"He Leadeth Me" Gilmore, LUYH 440, SSS 304

Katy Matejka Kroondyk is a student at Western Theological Seminary and the Fitness Coordinator at Zeeland Recreation. She lives with her husband, Rev. Jeff Kroondyk, and their daughters, LillyAnn and Eliza, in Holland, MI.