
Seminars Sponsored by Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

January Symposium Expands “Thursday Seminars”

The annual January Symposium on Worship has expanded its Thursday offerings in addition to the “regular” schedule of worship and workshops that begin on Thursday evening. Each year, more people have been coming to these seminars to spend in-depth time with outstanding leaders. Registration is separate for these seminars. Here’s the line-up for Thursday, January 26, from 8:30-4:00. For more information and to register, go to and click on “Symposium on Worship.”

  1. From the Heart to the Hands: Healthy Habits for Worship Teams. Paul Ryan, with Ron Rienstra and the LOFT team.
  2. Making Scripture Come Alive Through Drama, Oral Interpretation, and Song. Bert Polman, with Timothy Brown, Mary Hulst, Friends of the Groom, and Eugene Peterson.
  3. The Last Thirty Years: What We’ve Learned along the Way. John D. Witvliet, with Brian McLaren, Eugene Peterson, Larry Sibley, Joyce Zimmerman.
  4. Healthy Congregations. Richard Blackburn.
  5. Renewing Worship: A Day For Those Who Plan and Lead Worship. Gregg Mast, with Thomas G. Long, Jacqui Lewis, Tom Schwanda, Martin Tel, Howard Vanderwell.
  6. The Word Made Visible. Timothy Botts.
  7. The Complete Organist/Pianist for the 21st Century: The Easter Gospel in Many Musical Languages. Emily R. Brink, with James Abbington, Judy Congdon, Jorge Lockward, Bradley Welch, Deanna Witkowski.
Worship-Related Summer 2006 Seminars in Christian Scholarship

CICW is sponsoring several worship-related seminars through Calvin Seminars in Christian Scholarship. This program of seminars seeks to promote a strong Christian voice in the academy by addressing issues of current debate within various disciplines from the perspective of a deep Christian commitment and encouraging the production of first-order scholarship.

  • Teaching Hymnology. Bert Polman (Calvin College), June 19-23.
  • The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music. James Abbington (Emory University), June 19-30.
  • Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art. William Dyrness (Fuller Theological Seminary), June 26-July 7.
  • The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000). John Witvliet (Calvin College & Seminary), June 26-July 7.
  • iturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? William Cavanaugh (University of St. Thomas), July 3-28.
  • “Taste and See That the Lord Is Good”: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness. Ellen Charry (Princeton Theological Seminary), July 10-28.
  • Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching. Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. (Calvin Theological Seminary), July 10-28.

Unless otherwise noted, the application deadline for all events is February 3, 2006. For additional information and application process, see Please direct all inquiries to or 616-526-8558.

2006 Conferences

Grand Rapids, MI, January 26-28
Calvin Symposium on Worship. Consider attending with a group from your congregation to be able to take in more offerings of this increasingly international conference. See above information on the expanded Thursday offerings, or begin on Thursday evening. Contact:

St. Paul, MN, July 12-15
Global Consultation on Music and Missions 2006, Bethel College. Select from over 40 seminars and panels to discuss topics related to music and the arts, missions, and indigenous worship around the world. Contact:

Presbyterian Association of Musicians
Contact for all three conferences:; 1-888-728-7228 ext 5288; e-mail:

Montreat, NC, June 18-23 and 25-30
(two identical conferences)
“Look Who Gathers!”

Westminster, PA, July 9-14
“Extraordinary Stories for Ordinary Time”
PAM West, July 23-28 “A Cup of Cold
Water: Ministry Mission Music”

Greencastle, IN, July 16-20
“Hymns of the Heartland” is the theme for the annual conference of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, to be held at DePauw University. Contact:; 1-800-the hymn; e-mail:

Reformed Worship 78 © December 2005, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.