

First Christian Reformed Church of Denver, Colorado, uses the Hymn of the Month information from Reformed Worship in a creative way. Every month the church newsletter, the Parish Pulse, includes the background information from RW on the song for that month, and a member of the church creates a Hymn of the Month poster to display in the church.

Mrs. Jennie De Roos, an elderly member of the congregation, began making the posters at the request of Jane Van Zytveld, member and former music coordinator. By now Mrs. De Roos has created more than twenty posters, each of which has been exhibited on a prominent bulletin board along one of the busy corridors of the church.


Presbyterian Hymnal Conferences

1991 Conferences scheduled around the new Presbyterian Hymnal and the Directory for Worship of the Presbyterian Church (USA):

April 18-20, Minneapolis, MN; April 25-27, San Diego, CA; May 1-3, Chicago, IL; May 9-11, Louisville, KY. Contact: Theology and Worship Unit, Room 3406, Presbyterian Center, 100 Witherspoon St., Room 3406, Lousiville, KY, 40202, (502) 569-5289.

June 10-13 or 17-20. 1991
Orlando, FL

Skills for Success in Church Music Ministry, held at Rollins College.
Contact: Professional Resources,
953 Courtyard Lane, Suite 41,
Orlando, FL 32825, (407) 380-2055.

June 19-22, 1991
Minneapolis, MN

Christians in the Visual Arts. Annual CIVA Conference at Bethel College
Contact: Edgar G. Boeve, CIVA President, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, 49506.

June 23-27, 1991
Atlanta, GA

National Conference of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM). "People of Promise/People of Vision" Focus: exploring the Reformation and addressing the future through the songs we sing.
Contact: Mark Glaeser
4519 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC 28226.

July 2-5, 1991
Ancaster, ON

Conference on Liturgy and Music, co-sponsored by Redeemer College and Reformed Worship. Keynote speaker: Robert Webber.
Contact: COLAM '91, Dr. Bert Polman
Redeemer College
Ancaster, ONL9G 3N6, (416) 648-2131.

July 7-10 and 10-12, 1991
Northfield, MN

Annual Conference of The Hymn Society in the United States and Cananda (July 7-10) at St. Olaf College. Theme: Hymns, Faith, and Ministry. Keynote speaker: John H. Westerhoff III. Hymn Playing Workshop (July 10-12) following the Hymn Society Conference, with John Ferguson.
Contact: The Hymn Society
P.O. Box 30854
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, TX 76129; (817) 921-7608.

July 28-August 2, 1991
Grand Rapids, MI

1991 Choristers Guild Summer Seminar, at Calvin College.
Contact: Barbara Merry
Seminar Coordinator; Choristers Guild
2834 W. Kingsley Rd.
Garland, TX 75041; (241) 271-1521.

August 8-24, 1991
The Netherlands and Belgium

Tour of cultural and historical sights, including attendance at the International Hymn Society Conference in Louvain, Belgium, whose theme next year is psalmody.
Contact: Dr. Emily R. Brink, Tour Coordinator
81 Maryland NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503; (616) 451-8834.

Reformed Worship 19 © March 1991, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.