
  • One can read Scripture and come away with many questions, for sure. Those expecting a step-by step handbook for navigating each and every situation life will throw at them are going to be disappointed. But we are given a model that will indeed serve us to face each and every day of our lives. Everything Jesus did in this life was a gift. And the witness we have in Scripture of his life is a gift. Do you want to know how the Christian life “works?” Look at Jesus. He knows, and we can know too.

  • While many gifts aren’t truly needed, we do have needs, though we might feel uncomfortable admitting that. From a biblical perspective, we all have a need. In fact, it’s the same need. But we might struggle to admit that as well. Do I really need a savior? Surely, I’m not that bad?

    Every year at Advent, we are asked to make room for our Savior. Whether we welcome him or not is a matter of recognizing our need.