Q&A On Worship Education, Helpful Themes for Discussion, and Choosing Carpet Colors By John D. Witvliet
Notes from the LOFT Entering the Discomfort Zone: Our First Experience with Liturgical Dance By Ron Rienstra
Feature Sabbath-Keeping for Lead Worshipers: Sustained Hospitality Requires Learning to Rest By Gregg DeMey
Hospitality Seeing the Word: What I Learned About Worship from a Deaf Congregation By Nadia Bolz-Weber
Drama Lifted Up to Glory and Power: A Dramatic Reading with Four Voices for Ascension Sunday By Jane Porter
Feature Illuminating the Word: Using the Pod Process to Combine Bible Study and Visual Arts By Susan Woodhouse
Prayer Our Father in Heaven: A Prayer Service Using the Lord's Prayer and the Heidelberg Catechism By Carol L. Veldman Rudie
Series for the Season Jesus and the Devil: A Three-Week Series on the Temptations of Jesus By James C. Dekker
Church Profile The Art 'n Soul of a Congregation: Westport Presbyterian Church, Missouri By Michael Bauer
Feature A Case for Collaboration Practical Advice for Planning Worship Together By Norma de Waal Malefyt , Howard D. Vanderwell