News and Notes

Reformed Worship Wins Awards!

Reformed Worship is a member of two Christian journalistic associations—theAssociated Church Press (ACP) and the Evangelical Press Association (EPA).Both hold annual awards competitions for member publications in variouscategories; entries are judged by professional writers, journalists, and visualartists. These awards are the church press equivalent of the Oscars. OK, notnearly as glamorous . . . there’s no red carpet and we don’t get to make aspeech when we receive them. They do, however, encourage and inform usabout the quality of our work.

From the Associated Church Press we received the following awards:

(Award of Merit = 2nd place; Honorable Mention = 3rd place)

  • Honorable Mention—Best in Class: Special Interest Magazine. The “Best in Class” category is for the magazine as a whole (as opposed to the other awards, which are given for specific categories).
  • Award of Merit—Feature Article: Ecumenical Magazine for Eric Jacobsen’s“Building for Memory” RW 79
  • Award of Merit—Professional Resource for Philip Hash’s article “Praise the Lord with Strings and Flute” RW 81
  • Honorable Mention—Magazine Design: Entire Issue for RW 82

From the Evangelical Press Association RW received 4th place in the category of “Original Art” for Randy Beumer’s cover art (RW 82). Receiving these awards for RW is an encouraging affirmation not only of the editorial staff but of the churches and individuals who send their services and articles in for consideration. Thank you all for your support of Reformed Worship.

It’s worth subscribing . . . pass the word!

Reformed Worship FAQs

Q. I want to access a resource from a recent issue of Reformed Worship but it doesn’t seem to come up on my computer. What’s wrong?

A. You need to use a password in order to access the current and last issues. You’ll find the password for each issue in the inside front cover of your Reformed Worship on the bottom right-hand corner.

Q. Do I need to be from a particular denomination in order to send RW an article or resource?

A. Reformed Worship prints articles and resources that are both biblical and Reformed written by individuals from various denominations. We encourage subscribers to consider sending us worship ideas and resources that have been edifying in their own congregations.

Q. If I want to send in a worship service or a series of services, what should I include?

A. Include whatever resources you have for that service: photos, bulletin covers, artwork, videos, or DVDs, along with your written material. If you have a sermon summary or outline, that would be helpful as well. (We do not, however, publish sermons.) If any of the material you send us is copyrighted, please include the source and contact information. Please also identify the authors, artists, composers, or others from your church who participated. Include a small caption for any photos you submit.

Q. How can I submit an article?

A. If you have an article idea, you may want to discuss it with the editor. If you’ve already written an article, feel free to send it (along with the items mentioned in the question above). Most articles are 600-1400 words in length.

Q. Where do I send my material?

A. You may e-mail your material to or mail it to Editor, Reformed Worship, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560.

Q. What else should I keep in mind as I write or prepare a resource?

A. We suggest you use gender inclusive language (for example, “people” for “mankind” or “humanity” rather than “man”). If including song suggestions please list where that song can be found. This is especially important for contemporary music that has not yet found its way into hymnbooks. If possible include music from one of the songbooks listed on the bottom right hand corner of RW page 1.

Q. What happens once I’ve submitted an article or resource? When will I know if it will appear in print?

A. You will be notified by the managing editor once we receive the article or resource. When planning issues of RW, the editor looks at all the submissions. Keeping in mind the theme(s) of the issue, a balance of material in each issue, and a host of other variables, the editor chooses some of those submissions to be evaluated by editorial staff for their input. If your submission is chosen for a particular issue, you will be notified and asked to fill in an author information sheet and send us a photo of yourself. Please note that we are usually working a year ahead and planning beyond that. Also, just because your submission did not appear in an issue does not mean that it is of poor quality. We may choose to use it in another issue. However, if your submission does not fit with RW’s mission or publishing criteria we will let you know.

How to List an Upcoming Event

To have your upcoming event considered for inclusion in Reformed Worship and on our website, please send your information in the format shown below to by the following dates:

RW 86 (December issue): August 20, 2007
RW 87 (March 2008 issue): November 16, 2007
RW 88 (June 2008 issue): February 15, 2008

We reserve the right to edit submissions that are accepted for publication.

2007/2008 Calendar of Events

September 25-26: Preaching Seminar: 1 Thessolonians
Edmonton, Alberta; Covenant CRC

Jeff Weima, professor of New Testament at Calvin Seminary, will lead this seminar (1½ days) aimed at pastors who wish to brush up on the exegetical steps required in moving from the biblical text to a sermon that faithfully expresses its message for the church today. Cosponsored by the Center for Excellence in Preaching. Contact Johannes Schouten of Bethel Community for more information.

September 28-29: Faith Engaged: Through the Roof
Palos Heights, Illinois; Trinity Christian College

A conference for people with disabilities, those who care for them, and those who desire to better love and incorporate their gifts into the body of Christ. Special guest is Joni Eareckson Tada & Friends. Cosponsored by the Church Connection Initiative at Trinity and the Making Connections Initiative.

October 11: Your Body and Preaching
Grand Rapids, Mich.; Calvin Theological Seminary

Led by Dr. Todd Farley, who has studied in the area of culture and theology with a specialization in homiletics. He is also a professionally trained mime who studied in Paris under the worldrenowned mime Marcel Marceau. Farley knows what it means to use the body well—and what perils attend using the body poorly—in preaching, and will offer conference attendees practical advice in a seldom-discussed area of the preaching craft. Plans are also underway to bring in other specialists who can help preachers on the delivery side of the preaching event. For more information go to, e-mail, or call 616-957-8733.

October 17-20: From Water to the World
Dallas, Texas; PAM West

“From Water to the World: Forming Faithful Communities” is the theme of this conference. The director is David Batchelder; conference leaders include Glaucia Vasconcelos Wilkey, Kimberly Long, and David Eicher. For more information visit, e-mail, or call 1-888-728-7228 ext. 5288.

October 24: Pastor and Church Leader Stewardship
Grand Rapids, Mich.; Calvin College Prince Conference Center

Guest speakers include Bob Heerspink, Jerry Dykstra, Duane Kelderman, and Michelle Van Dyke. Cosponsored by the Barnabas Foundation.

November 2-3: Worship Team Workshop
Palos Heights, Ill.; Trinity Christian College

A conference for worship team leaders led by Paul Ryan and Greg Scheer of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Cosponsored by the Church Connection Initiative at Trinity and the Making Connections Initiative.

November 3-16: The Artist and the French Church III
From Nice to Paris, France

CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts) is hosting a tour to France that will include visits to major monuments of the Modern Sacred Art movement as well as ancient churches and masterpieces. Brochures are available at Those interested in the trip should contact Ed Knippers at or at 703-527-5934.

November 7-8: Stob Lecture Series
Grand Rapids, Mich.; Calvin Theological Seminary

Features guest speaker Marianne Meye Thompson, professor of New Testament interpretation at Fuller Theological Seminary since 1985. Her areas of expertise are the Gospel of John, the historical Jesus, the Gospels, issues in New Testament interpretation, God in New Testament theology, and biblical theology. Thompson is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church (US A). For more information go to, e-mail continuing., or call 616-957-8733.

June 23-27, 2008: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching
Snow Mountain Ranch, Colorado

In June 2008 Calvin Theological Seminary President Neal Plantinga is taking his hugely popular and successful seminar “Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching” to beautiful Snow Mountain Ranch in Colorado. Offering this seminar at Snow Mountain will provide participating pastors with not only a wonderful opportunity to attend a deeply enriching seminar but will also allow whole families to come along to enjoy the spectacular scenery and the family-oriented programs offered at the YMCAof the Rockies facility. This seminar is sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Preaching.

Reformed Worship 85 © September 2007, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.