
Jesus and the Canaanite woman
August 14, 2023

A Liturgy Based on Matthew 15:21-28

A call to worship, litany of confession, and song suggestions for a worship based on Matthew 15:21-28, Jesus and the Canaanite Woman, which is the Revised Common Lectionary’s gospel reading for the 12th Sunday after Pentecost.

Call to Worship (Matthew 15:21–28)

Reader 1: We come today into the presence of the Lord, the Son of David.

People of God: Praise be to God!

[Light the Christ Candle.]

Reader 2: We come today into the presence of the one who sees the least of us, who works heavenly miracles here on earth. 

People of God: Praise be to God!

[Pour water into the baptismal font.]

Reader 3: We come today into the presence of the Lord-- some of us with great need, desperate for help, and some of us with great faith, celebrating healing. 

People of God: Praise be to God!

Confession and Assurance (Matthew 15)

Reader 1: Let us pray. 

Holy God who is beyond our understanding, 

we reach out to you with questions: 

Why are some healed while others suffer? 

Why do some experience the privilege of position and power 

while others face daily oppression? 

How do we maintain our faith amidst these impossible questions? 

Teach us to cry out to you, to question with great faith. Amen. 

Reader 2: For those whose children suffer from physical or mental illness.

People of God: Lord, help us!

Reader 3: For those who suffer because they feel as if they are outsiders, for those who feel lonely. 

People of God: Lord, help us! 

Reader 1: For those who are here today needing the Lord to see them. 

People of God: Lord, help us!

Reader 2: Lord, help us! Help us to be faithful to baptismal vows, 

help us to be a welcoming community, 

and help us to extend grace to others 

in the same radical way you have extended grace to us. 


[The bread and cup are brought to the communion table.]

Reader 3: This bread, even the crumbs, and this cup 

are given to us by the Lord 

to help us remember that we are all God’s children, 

so we will know full redemption and healing 

in the coming of his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

People of God: Praise be to God! 

Song Suggestions

Your Great NameGrant

Give Me JesusSimmons et al.

Wake UpJordan et al.

You Care For MeWilliams et al.

Tis So Sweet to Trust in JesusStead, SSS 635

Who You Say I AmFielding and Morgan

Katy Matejka Kroondyk is a student at Western Theological Seminary and the Fitness Coordinator at Zeeland Recreation. She lives with her husband, Rev. Jeff Kroondyk, and their daughters, LillyAnn and Eliza, in Holland, MI.